Oh how I hate myself for being myself. I mean for being such a jealous jealous-ass. It's like I'm sitting in here, reading all that kinda FUNNY posts written by people from US and A and WESTERN european countries. Like: 99$ hey that's so cheap! (omg why do i have to work kinda one and a half week to get that money and i do not count foods/rents/anything). Like: i REALLY have to have this (...here comes any shit as tattoo/dress/anything...) and it costs only 50$ so it's like shit on the road. Here something really cheap is I dont know...4$. 4$ is little in here. Like they rent I dont know, HOUSES, wonderful flats and everything there looks kinda nice and it's warm inside probably and everything. here you have to bring fucking coal out from the cellar, but of course first you spend fucking 100$ on fucking coal. I didn't know there is still something like coal heating in flat with room for 200$/month. OK, i know, i could be living in ukraine, never seeing half of things i have too. i could be living in uzbekistan, having for the fuck sake 1/10 of polish GDP!!! but i'm jealous, i can't fix it. they (:meant to be americans) post their fucking photos while they're having fun in front of those wonderful houses in places placed somewhere where sun never goes down and so on and so on and i dont say USA is so great and omg, it's only symbolical presence of some things i can't find in here and i see existing in other places. ok maybe warsaw will change anything. maybe.
Because I hate everything about people having everything waiting for them growing on the trees I really need to move to US and A. Hopefully it won't take soooo long as I predict it to take.
Because it all looks here like:
+ADDITIONAL NOTE: no i'm not really as screwed up as it could look like when anyone sees those hateful lines written by me. probably letting some kinds of frustration being off into the stupid site lets me compress my awfully big amounts of natural, sincere hate. (Noooo i cant be writing this, it gets funny again). Probably i see first nice sunny day and i'll be a walking spirit of love, dudes. yeah.
Oh, i forgot, i was about to listen only to those lines:
as life gets longer, awful feels softer
well, it feels pretty soft to me
and if it takes shit to make bliss
then I feel pretty blissfully
and i can lay like that forever, staring at the window and waiting till things fix themselves and i'll wait for it. we are fixed right where we stand.
Nie przesadzaj: z Twoim angielskim nie jest tak źle. Co prawda wyłapałam kilka błędów, ale nie przeszkadzają one w zrozumieniu "co autor miał na myśli."
ReplyDeleteJestem ciekawa jaki masz sposób na pisanie po angielsku: Piszesz jak leci, a później czytasz jeszcze raz i ewentualnie poprawiasz? Czy w pocie czoła, z opasłymi słownikami tworzysz kolejne zdania? [W sumie mi to przypomina strumień świadomości.]
A mi tęskno do Ameryki Południowej, a przynajmniej tamtejszej sceny hc/punkom, która sprawia wrażenie cały czas takiej szczerej i spontanicznej, undergroundowej, nieskażonej korporacyjnymi zakusami scenowych lanserów. Żadnych oldskulowych najek; żadnego napinania, żeby nowe tatusy pokazać; zero wystudiowanych w domu przed lustrem kroków... Loyality, unity, integrity - taka mmała bajka. ;]
BTW: w tym całym e!stilo jest artykuł o RE-USE - konkretniej o swappingu. ;>
Haha ja nigdy nie sprawdzam bledow Natalio, nigdy! Ogromnie mnie to frustruje i dlatego nie patrze na to co napisalam, wiec co powstalo z bledem to jest z bledem. Staram sie pisac na okretke, wiec nie sprawdzam raczej slow w slowniku, moze z dwa razy mi sie to zdarzylo szukajac synonimu na "jeczenie" mojej matki haha.
ReplyDeleteScena am pld tak jak i azjatycka faktycznie wydaje sie byc jakos bardziej taka rootsowa, moze to kwestia tego, ze ci ludzie nie sa zatrucia zazdroscia w takim stopniu jak polacy bedacy u progu europy, ale zawsze zamykajacy drzwi po tej drugiej stronie (przynajmmniej finansowo). prawie robi roznice.
szukalam tego estila u nas, ale gdzie tam panie, z czym do ludzi, moze w poznaniu to znajde. och, let's swap something babe!
Porownuj zycie w malym miasteczku/wsi do tego samego za granica. W Anglii nawet w duzych miastach zamarzasz w domu - a jak one wygladaja? ho-ho, mogliby Ci pozazdroscic :>