Monday, March 16, 2009

MUST HAVE for TO READ section

+cupcakes are ready to eat. they're shaped kinda badly, but who cares. I'll take them on small trip, and they will go with me to Poznań, so Barabara will give me her opinion about them. Maybe some of them will see Warsaw too, that would be nice, but I hope they won't look and taste like stones in 2 days.

then we'll see a wonderful house show in warsaw

and then I'll see

and then I'll visit

and that was the last joke today.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

We probably eat better than omnivores.

I have my own "pet". I know it really needs much love and it will give its love back with long blooming. Oh, I don't want to leave it alone.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Tribute to Barabara

I just love trinkets. Wonderful Basia sponsored this sweet brooch and it was about 1,5$ but it's the most beloved thing I've ever owned. Please, don't disappear and don't go astray!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Foodz are cool again!

the most precious piece of shit i bought in second hand last year is this shiii(r)t
well, i'd really like to have this shit

but probably i'll have to be satisfacted with the first version of this shit.
shitty, isn't it?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Foodz are cool!

THIS is my problem.

Monday, March 9, 2009

What did it all look like

Wires need to be re-wired

Oh how I hate myself for being myself. I mean for being such a jealous  jealous-ass. It's like I'm sitting in here, reading all that kinda FUNNY posts written by people from US and A and WESTERN european countries. Like: 99$ hey that's so cheap! (omg why do i have to work kinda one and a half week to get that money and i do not count foods/rents/anything). Like: i REALLY have to have this ( comes any shit as tattoo/dress/anything...) and it costs only 50$ so it's like shit on the road. Here something really cheap is I dont know...4$. 4$ is little in here. Like they rent I dont know, HOUSES, wonderful flats and everything there looks kinda nice and it's warm inside probably and everything. here you have to bring fucking coal out from the cellar, but of course first you spend fucking 100$ on fucking coal. I didn't know there is still something like coal heating in flat with room for 200$/month. OK, i know, i could be living in ukraine, never seeing half of things i have too. i could be living in uzbekistan, having for the fuck sake 1/10 of polish GDP!!! but i'm jealous, i can't fix it. they (:meant to be americans) post their fucking photos while they're having fun in front of those wonderful houses in places placed somewhere where sun never goes down and so on and so on and i dont say USA is so great and omg, it's only symbolical presence of some things i can't find in here and i see existing in other places. ok maybe warsaw will change anything. maybe.

Because I hate everything about people having everything waiting for them growing on the trees I really need to move to US and A. Hopefully it won't take soooo long as I predict it to take.

Because it all looks here like:

+ADDITIONAL NOTE: no i'm not really as screwed up as it could look like when anyone sees those hateful lines written by me. probably letting some kinds of frustration being off into the stupid site lets me compress my awfully big amounts of natural, sincere hate. (Noooo i cant be writing this, it gets funny again). Probably i see first nice sunny day and i'll be a walking spirit of love, dudes. yeah.

Oh, i forgot, i was about to listen only to those lines:

as life gets longer, awful feels softer
well, it feels pretty soft to me
and if it takes shit to make bliss
then I feel pretty blissfully

and i can lay like that forever, staring at the window and waiting till things fix themselves and i'll wait for it. we are fixed right where we stand.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Weather of dead

That's why the dead town is dead. Because it is dead. Weather looks like there would be never any sun again.


I wish I could get some books from Microcosm Publishing, for example:

I hate people living in portland for possibility to have it all! fuck you american punx!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Why twice?!

At this moment I just wanted to say that I cant's stand my new haircut. Without fringe, or rather with this short one I feel like a retard and every time I look in the mirror it doesn't get better, I don't look anything better and I realize it really has not really grown up since last time I checked it.

At this moment I really feel so fucking useless and am nostalgic about times when I had to go to lectures, go to work, take care of everything at home and I could manage even to eat just the way I should to fight my stupid illness. Now I spend time on doing nothing, eating everything containing flour/sugar/yeast and other prohibited things. And no, I won't give up vegan diet even though my skin gets dry as Sahara but surely it's my fault as sometimes I forget to take those fucking pills.

At this moment I just want to complain, because I'm sitting here alone, I get fat, I have awful hair, I was thinking about buying high heels, I can't learn, I can't draw, I can't have a cat and other stuff like that. Ok, I'll just start new life in a minute and everything will be all right. whoohoo.


I'm still gay, eating, doing nothing and taking photos that can't change anything in anyone's life.

as it can be seen i'm reading in between of playing with my cute sims family that bought just a new sweet labby. dreams of own life, that i'm so scared of, can be really easy fulfilled with small home kept inside of computer. anyway, everybody is totally curious of what i am reading. ok, that was a lame joke but here it is.

probably one of the best diy book i've ever read, even though it's the only one i have. we can read on topics like

quite useful, isn't it?

my ears are dying of hearing my mother still making sounds the-almost-dying-carrying-30-kilos-bag-of-potatoes-person alike, whinging, complaining about everything that exists for the fuck sake. fuck off, go away or just shut up and everything will be fine, mum. gotta go and see my tax return papers, find a KRS number of empatia or anything else nice for animals and give them fucking little 1% of my taxes.
i suck so hard.

Friday, March 6, 2009

What? I know that's gay. TOTALLY GAY

Dude, I really love that floral print by Rinne Niinikoski. Totally, dude.

It wouldn't be worth mentioning, but hey, I hate floral prints. Maybe the fact I'm getting older causes such strange events as me beginning to like old-fashioned-grandma-style-prints (including all the big cats spots and fucking flowers). Something strange is happening to me, that's sure. Well, I still know THAT'S FUCKING GAY being in love with something being a clothing thing. Who cares what I wear, especially when I'm sitting in this fucking dead place (well, the cheap soy milk makes it only 1 percent alive, but it's still dead). I wonder what will happen when the warmer days will come and people will see my OMG tattooed legs OMG I'm just gone from the prison fucking trash. Yes, I'll become another white trash here and then I'll love whatever I want.

+A HATE LINE. super-duper-update, It took me TWO LONG days of being all-loving-shit to be fed up with it - being hardcore + being a fucking shopper throwing away $500 a week for fancy leopard print vintage fucking nice clothes sucks so baaad. so haaard. i feel the taste of that cock they suck while buying another so-cool thing.
ok, time to drink rooibos (wtf?) vanilla tee, meditate and get a new spirit of love.
Another day spent in the dying town, please, be over. Be over, bitch. peace.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Wendy says:

don't talk to your-self. and don't make mistakes.